Sunday, August 4, 2013

Soccer camp in Chagrin Falls, Ohio

Five weeks has gone by so quickly! Our last camp of the coaching tour is in Chagrin Falls with our partner church, Fellowship Bible Church. This is the first year this church has hosted a camp and we could not be more pleased with the organization, involvement and energy level of the camp week.

We've had a number of little surprises this week like the raccoon sleeping in the dumpster or a kid getting stuck in the seat on the child swing. The weather was fantastic, not too hot with a comfortable breeze and the coaches thoroughly enjoyed their week. For some of the coaches, it was their last week in the States and a bittersweet ending to an amazing experience. There is really no way to describe the community that forms between a small group of people that come from many countries, many backgrounds and speak many languages but share the common bond of a passion for soccer and a belief in Christ. I will miss our morning prayer times, the mischievous pranks, the encouraging words, and the feeling of being on a team that served each other. What a great summer!

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