Sunday, July 28, 2013

Soccer camp in Green, Ohio

Our team of coaches traveled to Green, in the suburbs of Akron for a soccer camp with our partner church, The Chapel. This church campus is incredibly beautiful and has softball and soccer fields, a sand volleyball court, and a mile-long walking trail around the campus. A very nice setting for a soccer camp and the weather was very nice, not too hot with a gentle breeze.

We had 38 campers this week, and while the numbers were less, the energy level remained high and the coaches have really enjoyed being around the students this week.

On another note, I have found that this group of coaches really enjoy playing jokes on each other. After camp one day, coach Jenna got a rather strange surprise in her gear bag but could not figure out why her bag seemed so much heavier. The following morning she discovered a large rock in the bottom of her bag that another coach had carefully placed when she wasn't looking.

She was a good sport about it and even had the coaches sign the rock to remember the occasion.

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