Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Are words necessary?

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For many years I have loved the quote "Preach the gospel at all times, and when necessary use words." This quote comes in various forms and is often attributed to Francis of Assisi. I think I like this idea because I don't think of myself as being much of a talker, especially with people I don't know well. Over the years, I have learned how to be social and the skill of making 'small talk,' but really, I prefer to be by myself or around people that I know very well.

This month, I have been reading "Teaching to Change Lives" by Howard Hendricks. I was struck by a concept in the book on the communication of the gospel. Hendricks says, "If witness through our lives alone was enough, then everyone exposed to Jesus Christ during his time on earth should have been converted. He was the only person who ever lived a perfect life, yet even he shared his message verbally as well." Jesus was an example everywhere he went, but lives didn't change simply because Jesus came into contact with people. He also needed to speak the truth and share God's plan of salvation.

For me, this is convicting. I would rather not talk to people about Christ or "be annoying" by speaking up with the truth when it is needed. I would rather serve, be busy with activity, try to be a good example, and not cause controversy by being too honest. But this is not the call of following Christ. We must also speak and communicate to others the truth and wisdom that has been imparted to us. My theology shouldn't be shaped only by quotes or passages that fit my personality.

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