Thursday, February 2, 2017

How many resolutions are too many?

As I begin the new year, there are a number of things I want to be better at. In my relationships, I want to practice communicating more clearly and more consistently. I want to be intentional about spending time with those that I don't cross paths with on a regular basis and that can take some thought and planning in our busy lives.

In my schedule, I want to be better at having time to serve in my church, interact with my neighbors, invite others into my world or activities, hopefully leading to deeper and richer relationships. I want to carefully guard those quiet times when I can study the bible, read books, and pray. I want to schedule times to be physically active, make good decisions about my diet, and get enough sleep. I want to continue to challenge myself, learn new things and work hard, but also leave room for reflection, rest and recuperation.

While my list is ever-growing and full of good things, it can easily become overwhelming. Jesus was asked by an expert in the Mosaic law, "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" (Matt 22:36) His answer was amazingly simple: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." (Matt 22:37-40)

If I tried to make a list of all the ways these two commandments could be expressed in my life, I would easily fill many pages with examples of practical application. But I know I would be overwhelmed and it would entirely miss the point. The simplicity lies in Jesus boiling down to two things: we must love God and we must love others. This is the litmus test by which we decide what to do each day.

In a similar way, I am trying to simplify 2017 into a couple principles, rather than have a huge list of goals. Number one: Relationships. Our God is a God of relationship and craves our attention and focus. The more attention and focus I give to Him, the more I realize how much attention and focus He has on me. And this allows me to be attentive and focused on others as well. Number two: Health. I want to make good choices for my physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. Not all areas will always be healthy, but I know I serve and love better when I am healthy in these ways.

This may be too simplistic for some, but it has really helped me each day so far in 2017. I have cut some activities out that are extraneous and self-serving and have spent more time cultivating my relationship with Christ and with others.