Ok, November we think about being thankful so this is no surprise that I've been thinking about gratitude this month. Sometimes, a topic will strike us in a new and different way so here are some thoughts.
First, it's easier to be thankful with less. Wait, huh? Let me explain. If you have ever been on a long camping trip or vacation to a place with more rustic facilities, you are so grateful when you get back to your own bed and clean toilets. Any food item that you designate to yourself as a treat and only have once in a while becomes a bit more special when you have it. I think we are more thankful when we have less or have thing less often because you are more appreciative of life's luxuries when you have them. And let's face it, most of us enjoy quite a number of luxuries most of the world doesn't.
Second, it's easier to be thankful when you are around others that are thankful. I would like to think I'm independent enough to not be swayed by other people's attitudes and emotions but I am highly influenced by level of gratitude in those around me. That means I am probably influential on others in the way I choose to be thankful.
Third, it's important to remember the source of blessings. For example, when I am thankful for a safe trip, I can remember to be thankful for the men and women serving our communities to maintain order, keep streets clean and safe, street lights functioning, the car manufacturer and mechanics that make sure my vehicle will work properly, musicians that provide me with entertainment to keep me awake, etc. There are so many factors that make a road trip from point A to B possible. And ultimately, all those blessings come from God.
So what does that mean for me? Right now I'm thankful for less. I live in a small studio apartment. I don't eat out much. I don't have cable tv. And I'm really thankful for it, it has helped me see how much I have. I also resolve to be more thankful not only internally, but externally, sharing my gratitude with others. Lastly, I want to be more aware of God, the giver of all good things, in all circumstances.
Happy Thanksgiving!